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2024-06-10 11:07  浏览:0


Whe sayig a a hoel, he firs poi of coac is usually he fro desk or recepio area. I is impora for hoel saff o be able o commuicae effecively i Eglish i order o provide a posiive experiece for guess. I his aricle, we will explore how o say commo phrases i Eglish ha are used a he hoel fro desk.

Greeig Guess

Whe a gues approaches he fro desk, i is impora o gree hem warmly. Commo Eglish phrases used o gree guess iclude:

  • "Good morig/aferoo/eveig, how may I assis you?"
  • "Welcome o [hoel ame], how may I help you?"
  • "Hello, how ca I be of service?"

Checkig I

The process of checkig i a a hoel ivolves providig persoal iformaio ad payme. Eglish phrases ha may be used durig he check-i process iclude:

  • "May I have your ame, please?"
  • "Ca I see your ID ad credi card, please?"
  • "How may ighs will you be sayig wih us?"
  • "Would you like a smokig or o-smokig room?"
  • "Here is your room key, elevaor is o your lef."

Assisig Guess

Hoel saff are ofe asked o assis guess wih various requess durig heir say. Eglish phrases ha may be used o assis guess iclude:

  • "Ca I help you wih your luggage?"
  • "Wha ime is breakfas served?"
  • "Is here a shule service o he airpor?"
  • "Where is he eares resaura/marke?"

Checkig Ou

Whe a gues is ready o check ou of he hoel, Eglish phrases ha may be used iclude:

  • "Did you ejoy your say wih us?"
  • "Would you like a pried receip?"
  • "Thak you for choosig [hoel ame], we hope o see you agai soo."


Beig able o commuicae effecively i Eglish a he hoel fro desk is crucial for providig excelle cusomer service. By usig he commo phrases oulied above, hoel saff ca esure ha guess have a posiive experiece durig heir say.
