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2024-04-21 11:05  浏览:0


Tea is a impora par of Chiese culure. I has a rich hisory ad is deeply rooed i he radiios of he Chiese people. Amog he may varieies of ea, here is a special kid kow as Jigfa ea, which is also commoly referred o as "Pure Lad ea". I his aricle, we will explore wha Jigfa ea is ad how i is made.

Wha is Jigfa ea?

Jigfa ea is a kid of ea ha is grow i he high mouais of Sichua provice i Chia. I is made from he leaves of he Camellia siesis pla, which is also he pla used o make oher ypes of ea such as gree ea ad black ea. However, Jigfa ea is uique i ha i is grow i a specific regio ad is processed i a special way.

How is Jigfa ea made?

The process of makig Jigfa ea is quie complex ad ivolves several seps. Firs, he ea leaves are picked from he Camellia siesis pla. The leaves are he wihered, which ivolves layig hem ou i he su or i a warm, dry place for several hours. This helps o remove some of he moisure from he leaves, makig hem easier o process.

ex, he wihered leaves are rolled, which ivolves pressig ad wisig hem o release heir aural oils ad flavors. The leaves are he fermeed, which allows hem o develop a uique flavor ad aroma. Fially, he leaves are dried, which sops he fermeaio process ad preserves he ea for fuure use.

Wha are he beefis of drikig Jigfa ea?

Jigfa ea is kow for is may healh beefis. I is believed o help lower choleserol levels, improve digesio, ad boos he immue sysem. I is also said o have a calmig effec o he mid ad body, makig i a popular choice for people who wa o relax ad uwid afer a log day.


Jigfa ea is a uique ad special ype of ea ha is deeply igraied i Chiese culure. I is made usig a complex process ha ivolves several seps, ad is kow for is may healh beefis. If you are a ea lover lookig o ry somehig ew ad differe, Jigfa ea is defiiely worh a ry.


Jigfa ea, Pure Lad ea, Camellia siesis pla, Sichua provice, fermeaio, healh beefis
